DuPage County Auditor - Bill White
Bill White was elected to serve as DuPage County Auditor in November 2020. His term in office began December 1, 2020. Prior to being elected County Auditor, Bill was an elected commissioner on the Downers Grove Village Council and served as Mayor pro tem. Prior to that, Bill was an elected member of the District 99 school board (Downers Grove North and Downers Grove South High Schools) and served as School Board President for a portion of his term. Bill understands how to communicate effectively and listen and, in doing both, has built successful and enduring relationships for the betterment of DuPage. Bill has a strong sense of duty to the people of DuPage County. Bill takes great pride in fulfilling his obligations as a public servant, specifically in his capacity as County Auditor, to ensure that DuPage County runs smoothly is crucial.
Throughout his career as an elected official, Bill has advocated for effective, efficient, and transparent government. Pursuing those objectives is at heart of Bill’s vision for the Office of County Auditor.
Bill White is the clear choice for DuPage County Auditor
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Meet Bill White
Bill White was elected to serve as DuPage County Auditor in November 2020. Bill has a rich history of serving the people of DuPage County an attorney, elected officials, and concerned citizen.
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